Thursday 29 April 2010

Hello and Welcome to my blog...

It's really an exciting time to be launching my website and blog.

Here I will keep an update of gigs, videos, songs, photos and anything that is relevant to my 'songwriting' world.......

Here's a flyer for some Sunday shows at The Art House in Southampton...

The next one is on Sunday 20th June from 2pm onwards.

It's a cup of tea and slice of cake afternoon where I play unplugged for a couple of hours........Come along I'd love to see you there.........

Check out the Art House if you're ever in Southampton


  1. Good luck my darling man you xxx

  2. It looks like you have plenty of good luck with that gal Lorna!
    Congratulations on your new blog and site. I'll be looking forward to hearing more from you here.

  3. Thanks guys for your comment and support....
    I think this blogging business will be fun
